Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Birthday Month! (and another knee update)

Today marks three weeks to the day since surgery.  This means that I have three more weeks left of walking around with crutches being non-weight bearing.  This also means that I have 6 weeks left of crutches in general.   I am counting down the days!  I also have some good news from the physical therapist, when I first started seeing him my knee measured at 66 degrees, as of today we are at 96 degrees!  The goal is to get to 110-120 degrees.  So progress is being made!

This week is also our Annual Meeting/Conference that Extension Employees have each year.  Tonight, after all of the meetings were over, two good friends, B and D brought over a birthday cookie to help celebrate the big 3-0!  While my birthday was two weeks ago, I was pretty out of it and wasn't able to get around very well - How exciting was this!  We ate cookie pizza and B watched her first ever episode of Duck Dynasty!  While she assured us that this was probably the last as well, I suspect that she will secretly start watching Willie and his family on a more regular basis:)

Thank you for all of the prayers and thoughts, things are starting to progress in a positive direction!

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