Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is it bedtime yet?

For the last 8 years I have really pushed to have a regular schedule for myself.  I really think that we are creatures of habit, so the more consistent I can make my daily routine, the more of a habit it becomes for me.  I also think that everyone needs a MINIMUM of 8 hours of sleep a day in order to be effective at what they do (and I think that most research would back me up).  This is why I try to be an over achiever and get 9 hours of sleep a night!  Bed by 10 up by 7:)  Now I'll be honest, this doesn't always happen for me, in fact, very rarely do I really get to bed by 10.  The last few weeks though, holy tiredness!  I could go to sleep at 8, wait… who am I kidding!  I could go to sleep as soon as I get home from work!  The past few days though, I have tried to push through it.  I have a lengthy to do list that needs to get done before the Little One comes! Speaking of to do lists, I do feel that if I share my to do list it increases the chances of things getting accomplished in a timely fashion…. accountability is the game!

Some things on our To Do list do include (and we are taking offers for volunteer help!)

Finish staining the deck by the pool - Anticipated finish date April 11
Finish stripping the house deck
Stain the house deck
Open the pool
Paint a power cat on the bottom of the pool
Grow grass
Grow flowers
Compromise on colors and a design for the nursery
Buy baby furniture
Assemble said baby furniture

This is the pool before we started staining it
First coat of stain has been applied in this picture - as of right now it looks so much better than this!  The second coat of stain was really clutch!

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