Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is it bedtime yet?

For the last 8 years I have really pushed to have a regular schedule for myself.  I really think that we are creatures of habit, so the more consistent I can make my daily routine, the more of a habit it becomes for me.  I also think that everyone needs a MINIMUM of 8 hours of sleep a day in order to be effective at what they do (and I think that most research would back me up).  This is why I try to be an over achiever and get 9 hours of sleep a night!  Bed by 10 up by 7:)  Now I'll be honest, this doesn't always happen for me, in fact, very rarely do I really get to bed by 10.  The last few weeks though, holy tiredness!  I could go to sleep at 8, wait… who am I kidding!  I could go to sleep as soon as I get home from work!  The past few days though, I have tried to push through it.  I have a lengthy to do list that needs to get done before the Little One comes! Speaking of to do lists, I do feel that if I share my to do list it increases the chances of things getting accomplished in a timely fashion…. accountability is the game!

Some things on our To Do list do include (and we are taking offers for volunteer help!)

Finish staining the deck by the pool - Anticipated finish date April 11
Finish stripping the house deck
Stain the house deck
Open the pool
Paint a power cat on the bottom of the pool
Grow grass
Grow flowers
Compromise on colors and a design for the nursery
Buy baby furniture
Assemble said baby furniture

This is the pool before we started staining it
First coat of stain has been applied in this picture - as of right now it looks so much better than this!  The second coat of stain was really clutch!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Baby K is on the way!

It has been awhile since I have had a blog post!  That's because I have THE hardest time keeping a secret of the magnitude that we have had for the last three months!  I figured I would start blogging about everything once we shared our exciting news with the world (IE: Facebook).

First, I am so overwhelmed by all of the love and support of all of our friends!  What a wonderful support system we truly have, my favorite are the calls asking me to hold the phone to my belly so that the caller can talk to beans (the baby).  So, if you call, don't forget to talk to the tummy as well;)

From the beginning (before we even got pregnant), God and I had a long conversation.  I told him how I really wanted a healthy baby, and if it happened to be a boy I would be elated and very appreciative!  (I'm afraid if we have a girl she is going to be like me and a little too strong willed for my patience) So for the first trimester, all signs pointed to boy!  No morning sickness, CONSTANTLY hungry (this thing brings a whole new level to the term hunger!), the list went on.  Well, we had our first doctor's appointment the other day and…. it might be a girl (we will not officially know for another 2 months).  I guess God may have a sense of humor;)

So that probably answers some of your questions, how have you been feeling?  Have you been able to eat?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can eat non stop, I am starving when I wake up, I am starving when I get to work, I am starving mid morning, I am ALWAYS hungry.  Honestly, I have told Kevin numerous times that I am growing a line backer in here!  There was a few weeks where I did have to ban all Chinese food from our home, but that ban was lifted pretty quickly!

I have to say, I don't have a sweet romantic story about how I told Kevin we were expecting.  When I found out I knew that Kevin wouldn't be home for several more hours, and I couldn't wait (refer to the beginning of this post about how I don't keep secrets of this size very well).  I called him and told him to come home IMMEDIATELY, he didn't even ask why, he just said "you're pregnant aren't you?" Not only am I a terrible secret keeper from my husband, I am an even worse liar… so I told him over the phone.

We have several nick names for Baby K, they include:
LB (lil' Bobby- This is the nickname my step dad has given the bean, he also says that it can be spelled lil' Bobbie if it is a girl… good to know… )
BBS (The Baby Bill Snyder - How appropriate for my line backer reference, right? That was vetoed pretty quickly by about everyone)
Baby K

So be watching for more Baby Bump updates!  4 Months done, just 5 more to go!