Monday, November 3, 2014


This is the first blog post I have written in what seems like forever!  There have been numerous blog posts that I have intended to write, I just haven't had the time to do it (shocking...).  The last day or two I have found some extra time here and there so I wanted to start on some of these posts. 

Before we got pregnant, I valued my sleep.  I had a strict schedule that I followed, aiming for a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.   While I was pregnant sleep became more and more scarce... My insomnia was awful, I would fall asleep early and then wake up from 2AM-4AM or even longer.  I'm sure it was my body ramping me up for this little human being coming into this world!

The first week Kennedy was home, holy smokes she had her days and nights mixed up!  The first night we were at home she was up until 4:45 (wanting to be held, and walked and rocked... quite honestly I'm not sure what she wanted and neither was she.... we were still both so new to each other and trying to figure each other out!).... The first week continued like this, off and on.... but once we hit about week 3 I woke up in the morning and my heart skipped a beat.... we had only woken up once in the night and it was 8AM.... I ran to her little bassinet she sleeps in, in our bedroom and peeked in, and there she was.... sleeping peacefully.... I had a conversation with my mom about whether or not we should wake her... and even though we agreed we weren't going to wake her, I did.... 

Now that we are at the beginning of week 5, this whole wake up once in the middle of the night has gotten better and better! I know I'm not getting anywhere close to 8 hours of sleep at night, but honestly.... I wouldn't want to spend it any other way!  Kennedy and I are getting our schedules both on the same track, she fusses to wake me up, I get up and pump, she wakes up when I get done, I change her, feed her and rock her back to sleep and then lay her back down.... We do this once each night and on a good day she will wake up for the day around 8AM or 9AM....  Our whole system takes us about an hour if it is just me, on the weekends when Kevin is able to help out more we can cut that time down to 35-45 minutes... there ought to be an Olympic sport for changing, feeding and putting a baby back to bed!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pregnancy Brain

I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with this blogging thing.  I just received a notification that it has been well over a month since I have last written!  in my defense a lot has happened in the last month:)  I wish we could have another month of summer quite honestly!

The last few days have been rough.  I have lost my keys, lost my cell phone, lost my credit card and think I may be loosing my mind!

It started a week ago on Sunday, Kevin and I drove to church separately, he left before I did so when it came time for me to get in the car, I had no keys.  I looked everywhere, in all the rooms, in the couch cushions... EVERYWHERE!  So I ended up taking the spare key in hopes Kevin had my car keys with him.  Got to church, mentioned to Kevin I lost my keys and he just smirked.  Of course he knew where they were.  So after some harassing he told me I had left them in the garage on top of the trash can (isn't that is where everyone keeps their car keys!).

A few days later I was getting ready to leave for work, I had decided to go in early so I could get some additional things done before everyone else got there.  It came time to get in my car and I could not find my keys (again).  I looked everywhere...... again.  In all of the rooms, in the couch cushions, in the garage on top of the trash can.  No keys.  So I put my purse and other things in the car, only to discover that I had left my keys in the ignition with my window rolled down from the night before.  Thank goodness we live in a safe neighborhood!

At this point I was starting to get a little concerned about myself.  Kevin and I went to lunch yesterday after our child birthing class, I paid, we went home, took a nap, did some work and then I decided to go and get groceries.  Checking out I started to look for my credit card.  No where to be found, I started to clean my purse out in the middle of the register (there was no one behind me) and I couldn't find it anywhere!  I paid for the groceries with a different card, but this was really bothering me.  I knew that I wouldn't have stuck the card in a pants pocket because my pants didn't have pockets.  So I called the restaurant where we had lunch.  Sure enough, I had left my freaking credit card there! So I went and picked up my card, went home, unloaded groceries and made dinner.

So then it was time to go to bed and I couldn't find my phone (do you see a trend here).  I looked high and low and no phone.  I used Kevin's phone to call my phone and no phone.  So Kevin went outside and found the phone in my car.  Whew!  Crisis adverted, just misplaced, not lost!

This morning Kevin wakes up and goes to check his phone, and now he can't find it.  Guess who had it last?  That's right.. me:)  Apparently I had put his phone in my purse (which is a hazard in and of itself!).

I'm going to blame this one on pregnancy brain, I just have a lot of other things on my mind right now, but I do think that there is some truth to pregnancy brain.  Let's just all hope I can get through the next 9 weeks and not loose anything else of importance!

Saturday, June 21, 2014


A few weeks ago my mom bought some chicks, I thought it would be great if I got some ducks to add to her flock and before she could say yes I had acquired 4!  When I went to buy my 2 (cough 4) ducks I couldn't decide on one what breed, and I thought that everyone needed a mate and I didn't want any specific duck to feel like they didn't look like the others.  SO, I decided on 2 spotted ducks and 2 crested ducks (I honestly would have gotten more but they only had two breeds at the time)....

I took them to my mom's and we made them a swimming pool (Kevin refused to let them swim in the pool in our backyard, I don't know why)....
From Left to Right: Sheldon, Spot, Penny and Howard

These little suckers have GROWN in just three weeks - every time I go out to visit them (I try to see them every other day when I am in town) I swear that they double in size.... Now, let's get a few things straight, yes, I know that they are "just ducks", I'm not convinced that I may or may not switch Howard and Penny around, I just can't keep them straight and honestly all four of these little fuzzy creatures hate me and anyone else with two legs. 

There are also some things that if you don't already know about me...well, you should.  When I start a project or do something, I go ALL IN.  So, when I got ducks, I went all in, I fell in love with all four of my ducks - they were each different in their own special way (yes, again, I know that they are ducks)... I get attached, and by attached.. well, just read on. 

This morning I received a text message from my mom that Sheldon was limping and was not doing well.  I met up with her later in the day and found out that apparently Sheldon had somehow broken his/her/it's little duck leg... He wasn't really moving around his duck box and wasn't able to get to water or food.  I asked her the inevitable question, "do we have to put him down?"and she shook her head yes.  Now, I should set the scene a little.  We are standing in the middle of the paint section at Menards and I start to cry.  I mean, Sheldon is my least favorite of the 4, but still, he's my little duck.  So as I wipe away a few tears I say out loud "I am crying over a duck... really?" (I'm chalking this one up to pregnancy hormones)... It sounds so ridicules when you say it out loud... We both agreed to not talk about it any more. 

So, no more tears have been shed. We are going to see how he progresses throughout the weekend but his prognoses looks grim.  I said a few prayers for him during church tonight (yes, a duck), but we will see how things go.  

I know it's the circle of life, but still... when you are the one responsible for it... a little part of you feels like you let it down.... 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

That New Car Smell

Today was kind of a rough day.  What started off as going to have our Prius looked into and hoping for an O2 sensor quickly turned into a little more than we had bargained.  Kevin had made the comment to me a week ago that the Check Engine light had come on in the Prius.  I always joke that it means "check your pocket book!".  Sure enough..... I went to get my car at the place that cares for our regular maintenance on the cars.  They have always been very fair with us and are nice folks.  When I stopped by today he said "maybe we should have a seat"  (never a good sign).  The catalytic converter is slowly going out on the Prius, a problem that they are starting to find out that Prius's have more often.  Now, I should tell you, the catalytic converter on a  hybrid... NOT CHEAP!  $2K to be exact.  Now, compound this with the fact that we just paid the darn thing off last month, we don't even have the title in hand right now... It's still in the mail....

So I call the hubs and put him on speaker phone, he immediately says "well let's get it fixed" I said, Kevin, I think we need to talk about this.  Now, let me remind you of a few things.  We have no debt except for our house, we haven't been a month without a car payment, so I would like to enjoy this new found freedom for a few months/years if at all possible.  At the same time I realize that we have a family that is growing.  Both of our vehicles can easily handle a car seat, but what happens down the road if there is a Baby K2?  Do we do the upgrade now?  Do we wait it out?  How do we know the new Cat Converter isn't going to crap out on us?  A new one only carries a 12 month warranty (or 12K miles, which we know we will hit in 3-4 month). ... So I said, why don't I just do some pricing around town and see what a new car would cost, etc.

So off I went... (Disclaimer: At first I wasn't sure I was going to post the names of the businesses that I visited, but I feel that it is really necessary, especially for those of you who have had sour experiences to really enjoy the story.. that and I think that the general public needs to know some things)

Stop #1 - Little Apple Toyota - I drove around the parking lot a few times, scoping out the used cars.  There was one I was interested in so i cautiously got out of the car and looked around.  It seemed safe... no salespeople in site.  So as I was looking at one of the used cars I see in the window a man running (literally running) towards the lot.  I scurry two cars over, but not in time, he has me cornered.  He is actually still tucking his shirt in and putting on his belt as he approaches me (afternoon nap?).  Leans against another car and says "so, can I help you?"  Just looking, thank you.  He doesn't get the hint, "so what are you in the market for?"  I said, oh, just looking Thank you.  Again, still doesn't get the hint and just stands there and stares at me awkwardly.  (Side Bar: Anytime I get annoyed with someone in a situation like this, I start to rub the pregnant belly and made disgruntled faces at them.  Hoping they get the hint and leave).  So I rub my belly, put a hand on my back and said, well we are looking at possibly trading our Prius in.  He asked me how many miles are on it and I proudly tell him jut over 151,000!  So I ask him what kind of trade in value he thinks my car has.  (Before I tell you what his response is, I do feel like I need to explain something.  I LOVE MY PRIUS.  It makes me sad that Kevin drives this car every day to work and I do not have the option to drive in daily.  I'm not sure what it is about this car, maybe it's because it's the first car I negotiated on my own?  Maybe it's because it gets great gas mileage?  Maybe it's all of the research I put into buying it... I'm not sure, but I do know that my emotional attachment to this vehicle is a bit excessive) He looks at me and says very gruffly (still leaning on the car) "hmm, maybe $1,000, probably not even that"  The man has offended me.  I feel like he has insulted my child.  I am no longer interested  in what he has to say.  In fact, I am so angry at what he has just told me that I just want to get in my little green car and leave.  He stands between me and my car.  So I start walking, hand on my belly, other hand on my back.  He keeps talking to me, at this point I have no idea what he is saying.  I just have to get in my car.  I somehow get in my car and stew over what has just happened.  I call Kevin and he says "hey, I bet if I take the car in tomorrow I can get more money for it then you just did"... True story my friend... True Story.

Stop #2 - Briggs - I decide to continue on my journey, this time a little further down the road.  I stop at Brigg's and ask if they have any hybrids.  He tells me that he will check one of their 11 lots!  This sounds promising:)  I go in to the store (big mistake).  They start asking me why I want a hybrid.  I explain that my husband drives to Topeka every day and we really enjoy the gas mileage that the Prius has gotten us and really haven't had any major problems in the last 151,000 miles.  One guy in the room looks at me and says to me "well we need to get your husband into something that has a little get up and go."  I said, oh, I think the Prius has plenty of get up and go, I don't think we need to worry about that.  He said "oh no, I think your husband needs a V6 or a V8"  I'm sure you do, that is not necessary, thank you for your unsolicited input.  So he says, what if we put your husband into a car that is completely gas powered and you don't have to worry about the battery.  I told him that we have never had a problem with the battery and that I was not too concerned about that.  I then had to explain to him that you don't plug a Prius in (he was confused, it wasn't a Toyota dealership, so maybe I'll cut him some slack?)  They take me out to this mini, wanna be SUV thing that was smaller than the Prius.  I took one look at it and said HA, I would NEVER drive something that UGLY! My time at Brigg's was done.

Stop #3 - By this time I have learned my lessons 1 - Do NOT get out of the car and 2 - Go at least 10MPH through the lots so that the dealers cannot catch you.  Remember, you are in a vehicle, they are on foot.  Dick Edwards.  I found their used car lot, I drove around three times, enough time for TWO salesman to come out.  I had a quick question so I rolled my window down (just enough so they could hear me).  Asked some basic questions and then thanked them for their time, and drove off.  They offered to take my name and number, but that is information I do not give out to just anyone.

I made a few other stops, picked my mom up to do some shopping around town, took her back to show her a few things that I had discovered during my adventures.  One of these sadly was at Little Apple Toyota.  This time we did have a salesman who was fully dressed.  He was actually pretty knowledgeable and I would for sure visit with him again IF we were interested.

All in all... a long day... a very educational day and most importantly... a day full of great stories:)

For now I think we will keep the Pistachio - her and I have been together for a few years and I just don't think our time is over.  She took me on many dates with Kevin, took me to my wedding day, takes my husband to and from Topeka safely every day and I look forward to bringing our beanette home in her.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Our 'Vacation' that we need a vacation from!

Whew!  The last few days have been nothing but a whirlwind of activity!  I will start this out by saying, we do not consider the last week a vacation.  Waking up at 4:30AM (3:30AM CST) was not our idea of a good time, but it was well worth the outcome:)  Kevin and I had our first big trip together and not only did we survive, I think we enjoyed our time together:)

We went into "The City" on one of the first days.  Needless to say, Kevin and I can both CROSS THIS OFF OF OUR LIST OF PLACES TO LIVE.  I have mad respect for those of you reading this who do live in New York, but it was not for us.

We started off at Time Square - I saw Cookie Monster and Shrek!  Cookie Monster was a little too fond of me as you can see here - - - After we had our pictures taken, Cookie Monster demanded that I tip him for his time taking a picture - he felt that $10 was appropriate.  I felt like $0 was more appropriate.  We settled at $1.

We saw Ground Zero, we saw the Statue of Liberty, we rode on a double decker bus, we saw where Payton Manning lives, the list goes on and on and on.

The real point of the trip was to watch my little brother graduate from West Point Military Academy and to be commissioned as an officer after his graduation.  This was not a day long process, it was a 2-3 day long experience!

The cadets preform several types of 'parades' throughout the year.  The graduation parade we have been told is the most impressive.  I have to say, my favorite part is the hats!  How fancy are those!  Only the Seniors or Firsties get to wear the hats with feathers (along with the handsome red sashes).

They really do all look the same with their hats and haircuts. 

The entire week was FULL OF PICTURES! I kept telling Andrew, this is a once in a lifetime moment, we have to document the entire process!  After the parade we took more pictures. 
They must train them not to smile!
 The next day was graduation day!  This was so exciting for me because the POTUS was speaking (oh yea, and graduation was happening to) as the commencement speaker.  Something about being in the same building as the POTUS is incredibly awe-inspiring to me.  There was one, no wait, two slight problems with this day.  Because POTUS was coming to speak they had asked that we all be on grounds by 7AM (graduation started at 10AM), in our seats by 8:30AM.  The weather that morning was not what we were told it was going to be.  So we (all 4000 of us) showed up in nice dresses, sandals, etc.  It was foggy/misty/rainy and about 48 degrees.  It's a miracle that we did not come home with pneumonia! Our seats were also on the other side of the stadium from POTUS, but that did not stop me from taking a hundred pictures (and videos).  

Happy Graduation Andrew!  Don't let go of that diploma!
To finish out the day we had Andrew's commissioning ceremony.  We went out to the shooting range where he has spent the last 4 years of his life as a place to get away and enjoy himself.  Andrew (although he will never admit it) has been one of the top shooters for the Trap and Skeet Team for West Point.  I think that the commissioning was my favorite part of the entire trip.  It was a private/intimate setting with just close friends and family.  There were four cadets who were commissioned out there that afternoon.  I was even more excited because my mom got to put Andrew's officer bars on his jacket!  
Also, let's not forget that I got to go to West Point prom (a banquet for cadets and their guests the night before graduation).  

 All in all a great week, we may not have gotten a lot of R&R but we got to spend some great time with family and friends and made some great memories!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Leg 1 of Kevin and Sarah are Flying Together for the First Time Ever!

Whew - We just blew into the windy city of Chicago, and I before my dear husband gets on social media and gives "his side" of the story, I just feel like I need to share what actually happened this morning.

Preface: Last night we had a conversation about our schedule for the morning.  Drive separate to Topeka, carpool together to the airport.  Leave Topeka at 8, gets us to the airport at 9, gives us two hours to check in before our 11AM flight.  At some point this morning, one of us (I'm not pointing any fingers) forgot what the game plan was.

4AM - Alarm goes off for Kevin, Sarah gets up.
4:15AM - Kevin gets up
6AM - Kevin leaves for Topeka to finish up work
6:15 Sarah heads off to Manhattan to buy socks for someone (again, not pointing any fingers) who couldn't find any clean or dirty socks this morning.
6:30 - Sarah Heads off top Topeka
7:30 - Sarah: Hey Kevin, are you ready?
          Kevin: I thought we weren't leaving until 8, I really need to work until 8
          Sarah: No worries, I'll just kill some time
8:15: Kevin: Hey, I need just 15 more minutes and then I'll leave
8:45: Kevin: I'm leaving the office
9:00: We depart Topeka

It is now 1:40 and we are sitting in Chicago, on our two hour lay over.  We are no longer on our time.... we are on airport time, and I am A OKAY with that.

I realize very quickly that we are now exactly 1 hour behind my planned itinerary.  Throughout the next hour, I believe that there were several references to NASCAR and my driving ability.  I qualified. (There is a discrepancy about what justifies "qualifying" but since this is my blog post and I say I qualified, I did!)

10:01: We pull into satellite parking at the airport
10:15: Excuse me ma'am, I believe that our flight boards in about 15-20 minutes and I think that the line to check luggage is longer than that.  "You should have been here two hours before your flight..." Yes ma'am, I understand, I apologize, can you just please help us?  ... So she barked orders at me, told me to tell Kevin to run to the security line... he did, I ran after him, we got through security, to our gate and make it with 15 minutes to spare by standing in line....

As Kevin said, Want to know how to make an Event Planner who is super attractive and well organized (this is the Hollywood version) get upset?  Show up to satellite parking with less than an hour before you are wheels up.   Truer words could not be spoken

I also see that Kevin has put a warning up claiming that this is a much made up, fabricated story.  I'll let you be the judge of that.....

Until further delays, layovers and qualifying:)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

What is in a name?

YIKES!  May is almost half over and I haven't blogged in quite some time.  I keep meaning to write blogs, I think of funny/whity things that I want to share with the world, but I never seem to find the time to write these up.  In fact, I seem to keep meeting myself coming and going.  Kevin has been just as busy, in fact the last two or three days I know that he comes home but we barely see each other long enough to say hello or good bye!

This is a blog post that I have written in my head several times, What is in a name?  It was a question that Shakespeare asked, and Kevin and I find ourselves asking the same question (not as poetically).  We still don't know if we are having a girl or a boy, so we haven't gotten too serious about this whole name game... yet.  We are still throwing around names to each other, if we hear a name we like we will text it to each other and here is what the response typically are.

1 - I would have to hear it pronounced to tell you if I like it or not.
2 - I prosecuted someone with that name
3 - I had a kid in the program with that name who annoyed me.
4 - I knew someone in high school with that name, we can't name our kid that.

Apparently (unbeknownst to me) we both came into this marriage with a list of names that if we had a girl or a boy we wanted to name our child.  A grand total of ZERO of those names share both Kevin's list and my list.  In fact, our lists are so totally different it's a little scary.  This may have been something we should have discussed in our marriage counseling/prep classes.

We have had some great suggestions from some family members.

Kevin Jr (Kevin said no)
Little Bobby (I'll let you guess who came up with this original one)
Little Baby Bobby (again, I'll give you one guess)
Ida Jane (Ida think you better stop sending daily name suggestions;) HA)
Little Bobbie (you know, in case it's a girl)

I suppose we will get a little more serious about this in another month or so.  I hear that they don't let you leave the hospital with a baby with no name.